Construction preparation

Preparation is as important as the final construction

Activities provided by an authorized person – Chief Project Engineer (CPE)

In the pre-construction stage (when the customer has an already drawn-up project), we provide activities related to the construction preparation which consist mainly in selecting optimal construction companies and technology suppliers.

The aim is to find the most efficient pricing solutions in order to secure low implementation costs before the construction starts.

We offer processing of tenders for construction suppliers in the form of alternative technical solutions, or just within a specific part of a construction, including price analyses.

We offer optimizations of the technical solutions designed in original projects with the aim of saving additional construction costs.

We also provide processing of schedules and timetables.

Within the CONSTRUCTION PREPARATION segment, we offer the following activities:

  • Budget documents processing
  • Fixing optimal and limit budgetary costs of constructions.
  • Organization of tenders for construction suppliers, including alternative solutions.
  • Tender processing and analysis.
  • Evaluating the most efficient construction pricing option.
  • Project time management – scheduling. Creation of space-time graphs and timetables.
Posted in HBPM EN.